Live@CIRMMT: le mien est un cri, clair, et libre

Salle Claude Champagne, 220 avenue Vincent-d'Indy, Montreal, QC

This concert is free admission.

For 20 musicians, choir and electronics Composer: Brice Gatinet

“This war cry, a man keeps it his whole life. We had to get the best one right away. And the only way to start out right was to dominate our fear and our haste, to the point of feeling swollen with power: the cry would then have all the desired force and precision. These were the conditions of the cry. And this power that should swell in me? It was something that ran through the whole body and that sprang from the ground where we stood. The high point, more precisely. The cry springs from this strength. If we go about it the right way, the war cry will be perfect.”

Carlos Castaneda, L’herbe du diable et la petite fumée, tard. franç., Éd. Christian Bourgeois p.241

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